A Cloud Kingdom Classic Riddle
I'm never orange,
The word orange doesn't rhyme with any other word
Though yellow can be.
Though yellow does
A bard's good friend,
In his songs you find me.
Songs usually have lots of rhymes
In a child's book kept,
Like Green Eggs and Ham, Sam I Am
And in ballads too,
As well as in many poems
I'll bet you're surprised
Not to find me right here.
The first quatrain rhymes but this one doesn't
Answer: Rhyme
Hints for this riddle:
• Children's books like ones from Dr. Seuss
• What do songs and poems have in common?
• Think of the word "orange" instead of the fruit or color
Big Hint: What does the last line not do?
There have been 719 right answers, 314 wrong answers and 244 people have given up.
This riddle written by RAS
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Current ranking: 2.80, difficulty 1.54
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05/12/2024 11:49 AM
Made no sense
05/13/2024 06:19 AM
I struggled to rap my head around the third hint, also hello to the German class

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